Okay, I have always had a soft spot for anything French. Ever since we had a Paris-themed brunch for my older cousin's bon voyage party to France, I have fallen in love with the City of Lights. I have never been lucky to actually go there, but I try really hard to
sentez l'amour from over here. One thing I particularly love is the fashion. It's is absolutely effortless, yet always completely chic and cool. Charlotte Gainsbourg is a great model of this chicness. I came across this spread in French
Vogue on her. I'm not sure how old it is, but I love it. I tried to translate it on my Mac dashboard translator, and it butchered it. But what I was able to gather was something to the effect of:
"Because her wardrobe has transformed the image of Parisians, Vogue has asked her to open up her closet....Her everyday style is smart and casual....Here are things she loves."